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Basic strategy

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Basic strategy Empty Basic strategy

Post  Macready84464 Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:48 am

This is meant to be a very very basic guide as to how you should play your individual class. It's up to the community as a whole to build more complex strategies and techniques.

The Airbender
You are light on your feet and have the highest evasion out of everyone. But your health is low and your damage isn't all that great either. keep moving. Your travel abilities are really cheap and should be used whenever possible.

The Firebender
All you need to know about the Firebender can be found in this video
Attack as much as possible. Your defenses suck so you have to drop your opponent before they drop you. Good thing your Chi costs are low and you have plenty of different attacks to choose from.

The Waterbender
Your defenses pretty much suck. But you can HEAL!!!. And you can defend yourself with your potential attacks. Respond to your opponents attacks accordingly. If they're defensive, get on the offense. If they're messing you up, heal through it. Waterbenders aren't the most mobile or highest damage dealing, but they're flexible.

The Earthbender
Earthbenders are the least mobile out of all the classes. Remember your defenses aren't that great so it's up to your abilities to protect you. You hit hard, and in some cases can't be defended against. But your abilities can be difficult to pull off. Do your best to wait for opportunities where your opponent can't defend against a well placed attack.

The Warrior
You are a defense master. High dodge or high deflection? Take your pick. High health or high health? choose one. Ranged attacks or melee attacks? oh wait.... you can only use melee attacks. And therein lies the warriors Achilles heel. You are easily "kited" and must take advantage of every mistake your opponent makes. Good thing you hit hard Wink


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Join date : 2009-07-17

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